Tuesday, 17 June 2014


Trusteeship Petition Upon The Lt Governor of British Columbia

TO: ghinfo, premier, contact.us, presidentsoffi., ubcic
Good Morning, Lt Governor Guichon, et al
Thank you for receiving and enforcing this Petition for Trusteeship  / Original Jun 4th upon the Liberal BC Government until such time as the Griffin, J. BCTF v BC 2014 decision is either successfully appealed or complied with.
Thank you / huy'ch'qu' / merci / miiqwich
Ralph Charles Goodwin / SqYx
2389 Quamichan Road, Duncan, BC V9L 5L7
1.250.709.1809 / 778.433.3908
Whereas - In the matter of the BCTF versus BC Griffin judgment - wherein this decision establishes the holding that the Liberal Government of British Columbia has produced an evident conspiracy to contravene established law in deference to the good administration of justice and the public interest; namely, to cause the BCTF to execute a strike contrary to their free and entitled choice.

And, in view of the likelihood of a British Columbia government decision to appeal that January 2014 Griffin, J. decision; which shall create further disastrous economic hardship upon teachers and their union to the point of bankruptcy. Then, it is reasonable, upon the balance of probabilities, to conclude that the express intent of the British Columbia Liberal Government to continue a past practice (HEU) of organized labour attack that is contrary to international - as well as domestic - law. And, further, that such attacks shall endanger Elizabeth II on the issues of breach of the Coronation Oath.

And, whereas, the Lt Governor of BC undertakes an oath (PCA, s.6) to bear faithful and true allegiance to "Elizabeth II, her heirs and successors", then : regarding, A Letter To An English Layman On The Coronation Oath / s.15 The Burke Test.

It becomes the predicated and paramount duty of Lt Governor of British Columbia via duty of care to impose Trusteeship upon the British Columbia Liberal government until such time as entitled appeals are rendered by superior courts - a time which could likely take a full decade; in addition to the already expended and protracted decade+ of unresolved negotiations.

This petitioned Trusteeship is executed by Royal Prerogative Writ - as has been noted in recent BC court judgements in the matter of a non-lawyer being the attorney general of BC and a Law Society of BC  bencher. And, is not uncommon in other spheres of criminal law. And, in this case, this writ imposition is mandated by right of citizenry in order to preserve peace and good will in the general community.

Signed In Truth
Ralph Charles Goodwin / Shqui'qwal Yuxwuletun
Kwa'mutsun Nation
2389 Quamichan Road, Duncan, BC V9L 5L7

to: ghinfo@gov.bc.ca ,
cc: presidentsoffice@bctf.ca,
Dear Lt Governor of BC, M. Judith Guichon
re : TEARS

When the integrity of elected officials is questioned in judicial decision-making there arises the public right issue regarding continuance of governance at the pleasure of Elizabeth II; namely, the OATH.
There exists an evident breach of duty of care by the prevailing government in BC - as enunciated by J. Griffin in January 2014. Your duty to Elizabeth II; and, likewise the same duty incumbent upon the Officers of Government in BC, appears to require that you exercise the Royal Prerogative at this time by enforcing a Trusteeship upon this said government on behalf of the public interest and to preserve the integrity of the justice system; namely, the J. Griffin judgment, supra, clearly decides that this said government has conspired in a possible criminal manner to threaten the public safety by forcing the BCTF into a strike situation, contrary to its pleasure. These events appear to be "thuggery"; and, not the enforcement of "justice and mercy" as prescribed by the "Oath" - as undertaken by you, the judiciary, the Attorney General and BC Cabinet.
In the event that you decide not to invoke the Royal Prerogative; and, to establish a Trusteeship until "peace and order" are re-established - i.e., a settlement of contract between BCTF and BC; then, this would likely require the Governor General to be petitioned.
Thank you for proceeding forthwith.
Ralph Charles Goodwin, citizen / Shquiqwal Yuxwuletun : Children v. EII
2389 Quamichan Road, Duncan, BC V9L 5L71.250.709.1809




Jun 13 (4 days ago)

to me
Mr. Ralph Charles Goodwin

Dear Mr. Goodwin:

Your correspondence of June 4, 2014, addressed to the Lieutenant Governor has been passed to me for attention and response.

Her Honour is grateful to you for your kindness in acquainting her with your concerns, but the matter raised by you is not one in which she would intervene. 

The Office of the Lieutenant Governor and the authority vested in Her Honour are governed by the laws and conventions of the Canadian Constitution.  Under our system of democratic parliamentary government the Lieutenant Governor exercises the authority of the Office on the advice of the Premier and Executive Council, who are in turn responsible to the elected Legislative Assembly.  Her Honour’s constitutional role does not include intervention in the political issues of the day and she does not impose her personal views or wishes on the Government. 

You may wish to contact the Minister of Education who may be better able to assist you.  Their contact information is:

The Honourable Peter Fassbender
Minister of Education
Province of British Columbia
Victoria BC  V8W 9E2

Telephone:  250 387-1977
Facsimile:  250 387-3200

Despite the constraints of her Office, Her Honour appreciated you having taken the time to write.

Yours sincerely,

James W. Hammond, OMM, CD
Private Secretary
Office of the Lieutenant Governor

From: TURF WARS VORTEX [mailto:turfwarsvortex@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, June 4, 2014 9:16 PM
Cc: presidentsoffice@bctf.ca; contact.us@bcpsea.bc.ca; OfficeofthePremier, Office PREM:EX; XT:Hance, Ray Union of BC Indian Chiefs EAO:IN
Subject: BCTF v BC 2014 : TRUSTEESHIP

Dear Lt Governor of BC, M. Judith Guichon
re :

When the integrity of elected officials is questioned in judicial decision-making there arises the public right issue regarding continuance of governance at the pleasure of Elizabeth II; namely, the OATH.
There exists an evident breach of duty of care by the prevailing government in BC - as enunciated by J. Griffin in January 2014. Your duty to Elizabeth II; and, likewise the same duty incumbent upon the Officers of Government in BC, appears to require that you exercise the Royal Prerogative at this time by enforcing a Trusteeship upon this said government on behalf of the public interest and to preserve the integrity of the justice system; namely, the J. Griffin judgment, supra, clearly decides that this said government has conspired in a possible criminal manner to threaten the public safety by forcing the BCTF into a strike situation, contrary to its pleasure. These events appear to be "thuggery"; and, not the enforcement of "justice and mercy" as prescribed by the "Oath" - as undertaken by you, the judiciary, the Attorney General and BC Cabinet.
In the event that you decide not to invoke the Royal Prerogative; and, to establish a Trusteeship until "peace and order" are re-established - i.e., a settlement of contract between BCTF and BC; then, this would likely require the Governor General to be petitioned.
Thank you for proceeding forthwith.
2389 Quamichan Road, Duncan, BC V9L 5L7